Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Picking up the pace ...

All hands are on deck this week !
Placing the last two windows.
Jeff, Brian and Hank working together
to lift these last two windows.
no mosquitos tonight
I missed the placement of this last large window,
because I was out doing the laundry....I will be
doing my laundry in my new home.....soon.
I met with my cabinet creator, Joe Millie and decided to go with maple for my cabinets.
The property is surrounded by maples and I thought it would be fun to bring
them into my home.  I also decided to go with the natural wood and not paint them.
  Joe taught me about wood, texture and natural designs of different trees. 
Very interesting.
Notice my new very large window.
History continued ...
I last left off with our independence and now I will continue with my independence.
Colorado life was good.  One full-time job and two part-time jobs. 
Special Ed not only took me back to high school but also took me to the mountain slopes.
Our kids all participated in Special Olympics.  During the winter months, every Monday
morning, we boarded vans and headed to Breckenridge to practice skiing and snowshoeing .
  The final Special Olympic competition was held at Copper Mountain...a wonderful mountain to ski.   We all enjoyed skiing the best snow ever ! The season ended with the kids receiving
their ribbons and medals to the tune of the official Olympic theme song.  They loved it !
In the meantime, my older son and his bride were married at St. Mary's in California.
My good friend, Crystal, my other son and I drove from Colorado and joined in with
the wedding festivities.  Beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple ! They have been married
now for 14 years and have given me three grandson's, Dillon, Owen and Austin...
the loves of my life !
Another opportunity was offered to me from the state, regarding a mentoring program and
 it paid  $20 an hour.   I decided to fit this in.  I was able to mentor two of our special needs girls.
We would get together one time a week for a couple of hours and bike ride, walk or just
mess around.  It was fun.   I also picked up a one day a week job with my friend, Andrew.
We would swim at the rec center or go for a drive.   My life was becoming pretty full.
Maybe too full ? ......  burn out ?  ...... and a once every 100 years snow storm was brewing...
to be continued ...

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