Friday, August 8, 2014

Snug as a bug in a rug. This is going to be one solid, warm comfy house !

Pat, the boss man, cleaning up after Hank's drywall session. 
Notice flying drywall out the top window...made for easy loading.

He did a nice job cleaning up.   Ready for taping and mudding. 

downstairs bathroom 
living room and kitchen
And, in the meantime outside, we have Jeff and Brian now
adding the lap siding. 

history continued ...
      I last left off with me, rapidly approaching retirement age.   And, after doing the numbers, I decided to retire at the earlier age, 62.  
 Yes, I could earn a little more money if I stayed employed until 65 or older, but after a little deliberation,  I decided to retire at the earlier age and henceforth....start to play.
 It was time to start thinking about the big move home to Washington State anyway
and to build that house I had been talking about for a very long time.
    My dad passed away in 2008, unfortunately, two years before I moved home.  He was a great guy.
He had a wonderful little home up in Blaine, Washington and I would have loved to have kept it,
but my budget wouldn't allow me two, I put it on the market and sold
the house to a nice family of four.  There was enough money left in the estate for me to buy my first brand new car.  A 2009 Subaru Outback, with a moon roof and leather seats. 
  Love this car !  Thanks, Dad-O.
Over the years, I collected numerous photos, magazine pictures and hundreds of
house plans. I put my favorite pictures and plans into a manila folder titled, Vaughn Bay.
With my decision to retire at 62, I started to lay the groundwork in placing my Colorado home on the market.  Just in time for the economy to go south....
to be continued ...

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